International Sculpture Day (April 24th) is a worldwide celebration event to further the International Sculpture Center’s mission of advancing the creation and understanding of sculpture and its unique, vital contribution to society. This year the Cloverdale Sculpture Trail is celebrating with the world by paying Homage to Joe Hawley, local well-known ceramic sculptor.

Hom-age – noun, something given in acknowledgment of the worth of another. The definition of homage distinctly describes our recognition of an artist whose body of work, creativity and boldness as a sculptor and teacher spans 50 plus years.
Four conversations with Joe and people knowledgeable about the phases of his sculpting and teaching years were videotaped. Following each conversation are images and descriptive text which relate to the conversations.
**It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to Joe Hawley of Cloverdale, California, who died peacefully on April 19th, 2023. Read his full obit here.
View Conversation 1
Guest, Amy Franceschini artist, designer, teacher & founder of FutureFarmers. Topic: Joe as a teacher and his participation in creative experimentation resulting in a series of Public, Performance Events.
View Conversation 2
Guest, Bryan Vansell of Mission Clay Company. Topic: Large scale ceramic sculpture and elements as part of the Arts and Industry Program.
View Conversation 3

Guest, Randy Strong glass artist and founder of the Glass Society. Topic: Joe’s involvement with glass beginning as a student at San Jose City College, teaching hot glass, establishing a hot glass program at San Francisco State University and creating glass sculptures with other materials.
View Conversation 4
Guest, Jorin Hawley, Joe’s daughter. Topic: Retirement, relocation, collaboration with wood peckers, Crimson Rose, toy and plastic assembles started in retirement and exhibiting in Cloverdale.