Wigwam Widow by Stan Huncilman

Huncilman with Wigwam Widow

Wigwam Widow

Stan Huncilman creates sculptures in bright colors and intriguing forms that enchant viewers. He combines a child-like playfulness with primitivism. Upon contemplation, however, a viewer may find a wonderland of intriguing forms and convoluted messages, rooted in religion, folk art, nineteenth century industrialism or Greek mythology. Stan has exhibited throughout Northern California and in past Cloverdale Annual Sculpture Exhibits.

“Wigwam Widow” is the title of the sculpture Stan has in the Cloverdale Sculpture Trial on display in front of the Cloverdale Arts Alliance building at 204 N. Cloverdale Blvd. “Wigwam Widow” is part of Stan’s “All My Psyches Series”. According to the sculptor, “This series lives between the integration and contradiction of our psyches hesitant elements. This sculpture captures the inspiration that is extant in the daily realm of the senses; particularly the notion that times past, time present and time future influence the mind.”


Photo by Tedd Peterson